As RV Season Nears, Remember To Check Your Tires

Are you planning on purchasing a new RV this year as camping season nears? If so, be careful. While there’s plenty of reason to scrutinize the performance of the engine, brakes, and be on the lookout for bad noises coming from the engine, one thing that most folks fail to check is the tires. While in most cases, tires won’t need to be inspected upon the purchase of a new vehicle, there are plenty of reasons to be extra-cautious when dealing with RVs. In this article, we’ll discuss why RV tires can be so dangerous.
#1. Goodyear’s G159
If you’re buying a used RV, it may come standard with Goodyear’s G159. The tire was allegedly developed for urban delivery vehicles like mail or UPS trucks. However, it was marketed for RVs. Urban delivery vehicles don’t generally spend hours on the highway. However, RVs do and this specific tire is believed to have blown out on numerous occasions killing drivers, passengers, and even other commuters on the road. The problem? The tire became too hot over sustained periods of driving resulting in tread separation. So if your new used RV comes with G159s, you’ll want to replace those ASAP.
While the G159 is less dangerous for those who do not drive over great distances on the highway, G159s are not suited for RVs. The G159 has never been recalled and although Goodyear has settled multiple lawsuits related to wrongful death, they have never admitted that the tire is faulty for RVs. In other words, there are a lot of RVs that still have them.
#2. They might be really old
Unless you’re a travelin’ man, you probably don’t use your RV as your main source of transportation. Your RV sits in your garage most months of the year and then you break it out when it’s camping time. Folks do the same thing with their sports cars and motorcycles. But neither of those have curb weights of greater than 6300 pounds.
The problem is that tires age, just like people, even if they’re not in use. While tire companies will guarantee their tires up to a certain tread depth, the rubber of the tire hardens as the years pass, and the more years that pass, the harder the tire becomes. Hard tires are not good tires. The rubber should be slightly pliant and supple for traction. Older tires have a propensity to blow out on potholes or sometimes, for no apparent reason at all.
So if you’re going to buy a used RV, then your first order of business should be to replace the tires before you take it on the highway, even if the tread depth is an acceptable range.
Talk to a Florida Defective Tire Attorney Today
If a tire blowout accident results in injury, the fault may not be the driver’s. If that’s the case, the Coral Gables tire defect attorneys at Halpern, Santos & Pinkert can help you sue negligent parties and recover damages related to your injuries. Call today to learn more.